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Hot Site of the Day: HARLEM-13-GIGAPIXELS.COM

How much megapixel goodness does your camera have? 8 megapixel? 12 megapixel? What if your camera was 13 GIGApixel?!?

Okay, okay, so this is isn’t really a gigapixel camera, but a stitch of 2045 photos that are 12 megapixel images. Still very cool, however. Head on over to HARLEM-13-GIGAPIXELS.COM and check this out. The 2045 images are stitched together to create one seamless image of Harlem, taken from the rooftop of a building on the corner of 7th Avenue and 110th Street in New York City.

Be sure to hit the “Switch to HD View” for an even better demonstration than Flash can pull off. That does require a plugin from Microsoft to be installed, but I promise it is worth it. The HD View plugin makes panning through the image butter smooth.

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