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Verified U.S. armed factions of ISIS and now is dealing with the repercussions

After the attack on the Benghazi consulate where ambassador Stevens and others were murdered. Many Americans thought that the official story was bogus. When you study the facts of the attack and the timeline until a response by our military, it became clear that their was a major cover up by the administration. Many quote conspiracy buffs thought it was a straight up assassination of Stevens, because he was blowing the whistle on military arms being transferred from Libya through Turkey and into the hands of the Free Syrian Army.

Now we are seeing that this theory has more truth than speculation, as the Free Syrian Army has been rolled into ISIS and is terrorizing the middle east armed with the very weapons that we helped supply them. Check out the video above and at the end of it the general admits to these conclusions. He tees it up as an oversight, however how many times is this going to happen before the American people Wake Up! We armed the mujaheddin to fight the Russians in the 80’s under the leadership of “Osama bin Laden”, you remember that guy right?

When are we as an American people going to say to our government stop funding proxy wars! Once you arm and train these quote “Freedom Fighting Rebels” you have no control of them and who they target. Now the freedom fighters are quote “Terrorists” and we have to sacrifice American Lives and Treasure to defeat them, despite us in effect creating them. Are you starting to see a pattern emerging here?

Keep this in mind as I am sure you will see another example of this in the near future. In Fact, are we not seeing this in the Ukraine right now? You have the Russian Government arming the eastern Ukrainian rebels and on the other side you have NATO arming and supplying an non-NATO member. This cannot continue without one of these regional proxy conflicts escalating into a full out war between nation states. Are the American people going to stand by while the Dictator an Chief continues to fumble around the world with his inflammatory foreign policy?

We as a nation are in the Valley of the Shadow of Death and haven’t even realized it. If ISIS, Ukraine, or Israel conflicts escalate further, we could see the US drawn into a very expensive and bloody conflict with no end in sight. We need a leader who can project strength of military, however resolve problems diplomatically with economic incentives that are mutually beneficial to both interests. Not Obama, who projects weakness militarily while going around and jabbing people in the eye with a sharp stick.

Nuff Said