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Hispanic protestor warns Trump Supporters…electing Donald Trump as President could have major racial consequences

“What do you think?” Gonzales asked incredulously. “You think the Hispanics are going to sit back and let these people come and take our parents away? …

Click here for the Full Story from The Blaze.

Navy Seal commander gives some of the best advice to Grads at commencement

Senior US Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas Rach

Egg Russian Roulette with Peyton Manning and Magic Johnson

Any electronic safe from retail stores opened in 5 seconds with a magnet.

Skip to 3:45 to see the 1.6 second trick to open the safe. The whole video is worth watching and will question ever owning a big box store electronic safe. Click here for shortcut to opening.

Bill O’Reilly explains why Trump & Sanders are the same

Who is this Bronco cheerleader? Broncos win Superbowl 50… 24-10

Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight. Arguing with her own footage.

KFIR Friday Headlines. Tune in at 720 AM for more stories you NEED to know. Click the story for details.


VA failed to spend $1.9 Billion designated for health care, report finds.


German government admits it cannot account for 600,000 of its 1.1 Million asylum seekers – and many could be using multiple identities to travel across Europe.


Recent lottery winner killed in home invasion robbery.


Firearms found in El Chapo’s compound tied to Arizona, Fast and Furious operation.


KFIR Thursday Headlines. Tune in at 720 AM for more stories you NEED to know. Click story for details


DEA hired a TSA Informant to help take cash from people’s luggage.


For defying no-call lists, Dish faces potential fines totaling $24 Billion


Seattle will allow Uber & Lyft to form unions.


Student suspended after carrying classmate having an asthma attack to the nurse office because he left the classroom.


Oregon Governor to the FEDS: End occupation at Wildlife refuge.


Uninsured facing minimum penalty of $695 or 2.5 percent whichever is greater after January 31st 2016.  The penalty for not having insurance in 2016 is the higher of these two numbers: 2.5 percent of your yearly household income or $695 for every adult in your family plus $347.50 for every child under 18.




KFIR Wednesday Headlines. Tune in at 720 AM for more stories you NEED to know. Click story for details


Top 3 Banks charged over $6 Billion in fees for ATM & overdraft fees in 2015.

IRS erases Hard Drive despite court order.

ISIS destroys Iraq’s oldest Assyrian Christian monastery, over 1,400 years old.

High School student disarms gunman and gets suspended?? A Florida high school student wrestled a loaded gun away from another teen on the bus ride home this week and was slapped with a suspension in return.

Dow Jones recovers after a 565 Point drop to close at 15,766.74 down 249 Points or 1.6% for the day.

Hillary Clinton dismissed a report that she sent on her private severe contained classified material again today. “As the State Department has confirmed, I never sent or received any material marked classified, and that hasn’t changed in all of these months,” she maintained. “This, seems to me, to be, you know, another effort to inject this into the campaign. It’s another leak.”

Democrats have no idea of the difference of a Democrat or a Socialist. Montage includes Hilary Clinton, Head of the DNC, & Chuck Schumer

Hillary Clinton: A Career Criminal. Scandal after scandal listed and detailed

Millennial Anti Theft Device

Millennial anti-theft Device!

Mt. Everest illuminated by the setting sun is just amazing. (Taken from Gorak Shep) Photo by Dylan

“American Sniper” Widow Taya Kyle on Obama at Town Hall on guns. “We cannot outlaw murder”

Hellfire missile mistakenly shipped to Cuba!!

The inert missile did not contain explosives but there are concerns that Cuba can share or sell the technology with Russia or China.

Full Story from Yahoo News

Former federal prosecutor predicts Hillary may be indicted in the next 60 days

Former U.S. Attorney Joe DiGenova predicted on Tuesday that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton may be slapped with an indictment over her private email scandal in the next 60 days.

“They are now at over 1,200 classified emails. And, that’s just for the ones we know about from the State Department. That does not include the ones that the FBI is, in fact, recovering from her hard drives,” DiGenova added.

Click here for the full story from The Blaze

$150 Million of OUR tax dollars spent on tests that torture animals with drugs and more

95 Experiments costing around $150 million of OUR tax dollars include.
$9.6 million to inject LSD into the brains of rabbits to determine whether the drug caused an increase in eye blinks and head-bobbing.
$7.6 million to investigate whether psychedelic drugs cause the heads of mice to twitch.
$1.5 million to determine whether meth is toxic to mice brains.
$1.1 million to see if meth-addicted monkeys would choose food over the drug; and a $709,981 study to determine if “lonely rats are more likely to become addicted to drugs.

Click here for the full story from the Washington Times

Look at the “Toy” gun Tamir Rice was holding. Can you tell the difference?