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J&K Headlines for Wednesday

Welcome to your Wednesday December 2nd, 2015

Here are some of the stories we are working on this morning…

1-Three Federal judges hold the fate of the Internet in their hands…

2-Rupert Murdoch says Mr. Obama has created an identify crisis for America

3-Another Obama run federal agency is in financial disarray…

4-The Fed has new rules about financially insolvent banks…

5-The GOP is set to push against Planned Parenthood…

6-And…the FBI is tracking nearly 50 ISIS suspects within Americas borders…


8am TEASE….Coming Up…

Your private information may have been sold to the highest bidder…

Super PAC’s set up to fund presidential campaigns cost a lot of money to run…

Another database has been hacked and this time it includes information about children…

And, Jeff & I will share 10-things grateful people do differently…

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