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U.S. Attorney Dwight Holton says the majority of so-called medical marijuana ‘patients’ in Oregon don’t need the drug.  He points out that Oregon–a much smaller state in population than California–has almost as many medical marijuana smokers as the Golden State.  Holton says that means either Oregon is a ‘sick state’, or many Oregonians are working the medical marijuana system here.  A Portland pot activist says Holton and other law enforcement professionals shouldn’t question the motives of the relatively few Oregon doctors who write thousands of pot prescriptions, saying, “did Holton go to medical school?’.  And he says cops should not be able to check on medical marijuana growers to see if excess pot is being grown illegally, which is becoming more and more common.  A bill that would have allowed police checks on pot growers is being held up in the Oregon Senate by Democrat Floyd Prozanski of Eugene-Springfield, who says the issue hasn’t been talked about enough publicly to move forward.

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