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J&K Headlines for Friday

KFIR 720AM    J&K in the AM CALL 541-367-5115

Welcome to your Friday September 25th, 2015

(Free for ALL Friday/Football)

Here are some of the stories we are working on this morning…

1-Your tax dollars are paying for every pot plant the DEA destroys in Oregon

2-Like something out of Flash Gordon, Germany has unleashed a laser-based machine gun…

3-U.S. scientists have created a virtual human being using pieces of a cadaver…

4-A father of twins used a new technique to catch his estranged-wife grabbing him and squeezing his…

5-And, Pope Francis may be a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to calling out America on immigration policy..

6-Breaking News….Republican House Speaker John Boehner is leaving Congress under pressure….

8am TEASE….Coming Up…

Netflix knows what episodes are most likely to keep us watching

and Jeff and I will share our Netflix Pics and what to watch this weekend…

We will share revelations from divorced men about the Moment They Knew Their Marriages were Over

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